Monday, January 27, 2020
Review Of Intensive Farming Systems
Review Of Intensive Farming Systems The intensive farming systems of developed countries, such as United Kingdom seek to maximize yield through what is usually described by agricultural economists as Best Management Practice (BMP), which involves the most efficient use of all inputs, including fertilizers, herbicides, seed varieties, and precision agricultural techniques (Goulding et al, 2008). (BMP) Fertilizers have been central to this approach, which has resulted in a tremendous increase in productivity over that last 40 years. For example, the efficient use of improved fertilizers, combined with new varieties of wheat and the successful use of crop protection chemicals, has increased grain yields from 3 tons per hectare to approximately 10 to 11 tons per hectare today (Goulding et al, 2008). Moreover the current market economic incentives facing many farmers are likely to encourage excess fertilizer application (Scott, 2005). It is generally recognized that if eventually the adoption of market prices for most agric ultural goods without any subsidies became a reality, in order to be competitive with the lower production costs of developing countries in South America, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, the pressure to intensify even the most UNITED KINGDOM intensive production systems will as well become reality despite the negative consequences on the environment (Goulding et al, 2008). The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-economic determinants of intensity of fertiliser application in non-organic cropland farms in England using a panel data model (panel data). The quantitative and behavioural studies in agriculture are frequently based on the notion that the family business is managed by a single decision-maker the person who exerts the financial and managerial control over the farm unit (Morris and Evans, 2004). This perspective derives from neoclassical economies and implies that decisions for the business are taken by a single entrepreneur (War and Lowe, 1994). However this study differs from much previous research into the estimation and clarification of the technical drivers responsible for fertilizer application by including variables that relate to both farmer characteristics and farm economic aspects. It will be followed an argument commonly accept in the literature that farmers tend to over-apply fertilizer from an agronomic perspective (i.e. , more than warranted to attain a given yield target) essentially given the uncertainty about environmental growing conditions (Sheriff, 1995; Scott, 2005). (apply mainly N). Nonetheless the author will have in mind that the fertilizer inputs into agricultural systems in the UNITED KINGDOM occur mainly via Nitrogen (Velthof et al., 1998) with the general objective to reduce the probability of poor yields and moreover increase the variance in profit. However, given the emergent apprehension with the impact of agriculture on environment and society, there has been a growing need to develop a more comprehensive definition of agriculture productivity (Pretty, 1998; Defra, 2002). Although government policies will not be addressed or recommended specifically, the author hopes to open a new channel for discussion. As Annan (2005) argues it is imperative to aim at a reasonable balance between the level of technical detail and the availability of meaningful data describing future development of new and improved categories of abatement options. Consequently contributing to reach the 10per cent inorganic fertilizer reduction by 2020 with consequent reductions in N2O emissions (Entec, 2004), and moreover contribute to UNITED KINGDOM reach the overall national target of 80per cent GHG reduction by 2050(ADAS, 2009).(reduce emissions) Agriculture and fertilizer Agriculture is one of the most successful sectors in terms of productivity growth, has outpaced the rapid growth in demand for its output for the past decades (Shaink el al, 2002). (agri success). This trend has provided hefty social benefits, such as increased the accessibility of agricultural goods usually at a lower price, provision of jobs and therefore rural sustainability, energy and also positive environmental effects, such as aesthetic value, carbon sequestration by soils and trees, and other additional benefits that are linked with good husbandry such as maintenance of natural habitats and countryside landscape (Shaink et al,2002; Scott, 2005) (social benefits / positive extern). However, is largely referenced in literature that the increased use of chemicals either fertilisers or pesticides in agriculture intensive systems is associated with hidden costs due to environmental pollution in soil, water and atmosphere -, consequently has amplified the negative social effects o n the natural environment (eg. Shaink et al,2002; Scott,2005 ) (pollution1). This argument is supported by an analysis of the externalities from UNITED KINGDOM agriculture made by Hartridge and Pearce (2001), finding that negative externalities amount to at least à £1 billion, and positive externalities offset approximately half of these negative effects (negative/positive external). Farmers and fertilizer application The main question rises once more, what are the fertilizer application determinants? For a typical farm manager, output is what matters most to the business survival and prosperity. Consequently, farmers apply fertilisers since they represent personal benefits in the form of improved outputs and incomes, however plants absorb fertilisers just up to their needs only, therefore surplus fertiliser over and above the needs of plants can cause harmful side effects (Scott, 2005) either on the farm profit or in the environment. (more/less fert plant). A given agricultural input bundle might result in wide diverse output levels according to the level at which random factors operate (Gallacher, 2001) (input output). Rounsevell and Reay (2009) clarify the previous argument stating that land use and therefore fertilizer application changes are driven primarily by farmer decisions, which are affected by the economic environment (output and input prices), soil features, crop and livestock yields, timeliness of field operations, availability of investment capital, subsidies as well as the socio-cultural attributes of individual farmersThe first driver is clearly an agronomic argument, since agronomists agree that crop nutrient uptake is higher in years with good growing conditions (Babcock, 1992), therefore if a farmer applies the optimal amount of fertilizer for mean growing conditions, and in a particular year those conditions are better than expected, there will be too little fertilizer and decrease in production. On other hand if weather conditions are not conducive, there will be too much fertilizer (Sheriff, 2005), thus a risk-neutral farmer applies fertilizer at a higher rate as long as the expected gain in profit from the increased yield is higher than the expected loss in profit from wasted fertilizer. Another hypothesis is proposed by Rajsic and Weersink (2008). They argue that while there may be agreement on the functional form of crop response to fertilizer, there will be differences in the optimal rate between locations. Numerous studies have reported that the maximum economic nitrogen rate varies spatially and that the degree of variability can be substantial (Carr et al., 1991). As a consequence there is a need to analyze the spatial variations in order to state the yield potential of the field and/or region, the underlying assumption is that yield potential is directly linked to the productivity of nitrogen, so fields with higher estimated output receive higher rates of fertilizer (Rajsic and Weersink 2008). Dai et al (1993), however, found that nitrogen and soil quality are complements, and soil quality uncertainty and nitrogen availability are linked which will increase nitrogen demand and consequently nitrogen input. Additionally Rajsic (2008), Sheriff (2005) and also Dai el al (1993) argue that one of the main causes for over-fertilisation might be related to the uncertainty about weather and soil characteristics that can lead both risk-averse and risk-neutral farmers to over-apply nutrients, therefore the decision to apply a little extra just in case is particularly appropriate if the cost of over-application is low compared to the cost of under application (Rajsic, 2008) (a little extra risk averse). This idea is supported by Sherriff (2005), arguing that farmers will apply more fertilizer than a crop can use due to a perception that the general recommendations are not appropriate for their individual situations. Smill (1999) argues that the application of N is fairly inefficient in most farms, since farmers are applying nitrogen at levels that exceed those suggested by either government extension services or by the optimal nitrogen appliance (Rajsic and Weersink, 2008) (N inefficiency). Approximately half of Nitrogen applied during a growing sea son is typically recovered in the crop biomass throughout that season, therefore this inefficiency represents a noteworthy cost to farmers and an important consequences for ecosystem and human health as Nitrogen moves beyond the farm level in several aqueous or gaseous forms, such as N2O(Matson et al., 1997, 1998; Galloway, 1998). In practice evidence suggests that farmers systematically over-estimate the impact of additional nitrogen relative to agronomists models and therefore they maintain their beliefs after seeing results from experimental plots (SriRamaratnam et al., 1987). If farmers perceptions are incorrect, these beliefs will lead to over-application, conversely if their sensitivity is correct, analysts may infer excess nutrient applications where none exist. Thus if weather, the relation between fertiliser prices and output prices and soil features are not main and/or the only drivers behind fertiliser application, which characteristics does the farmer have to apply more or less fertiliser compared to those with the same features and constraints? The effect of fertilizers on the environment The relatively cheap price of Nitrogen in relation to its yield improvement benefits, and allowing farmers substantial management flexibility, has been a central contributory factor in determining its overuse and consequently the environmental impacts reported below. It is known that Agricultural emissions of nitrous oxide have fallen by 13 per cent over the 10 years up to 2005 and the trend is continuing (DEFRA, 2007).However despite this reduction in the UNITED KINGDOM and other major developed countries, the major direct emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are from agriculture methane (CH4) caused by enteric fermentation by ruminant livestock and manure management, and nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils (Gibbons, 2005). Additionally methane has a global warming potential 21 times greater than carbon dioxide while nitrous oxide global warming potential (GWP) is considered 296 times that of the same mass of carbon dioxide (Houghton et al., 2001), consequently fairly small concentrations of this gas are sufficient to induce drastic changes in the atmosphere. At current estimates N2O contributes about 7 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions in terms of the GWP (Winiwarter, 2005). As a result, among the gases considered by the Kyoto Protocol, N2O i s ranked third in importance behind carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) (Winiwarter, 2005). Seinfeld and Pandis (1998) add that N2O is a very stable compound in the atmosphere, with a mean lifetime of 120 years, so the emissions will have an effect on the global concentrations in the atmosphere for many decades. The same authors argue that N2O is able to strongly absorb infrared light, thus it also exerts a considerable effect on the earths radiation absorption. Therefore is obvious the magnitude of nitrogen fertilization emissions has a dramatic effect on the environment. Approximately 1per cent of the anthropogenic Nitrogen input into agricultural systems is emitted as nitrous oxide, with agriculture as a whole contributing to 66per cent of total UNITED KINGDOM nitrous oxide emissions in 2006, 95per cent of it via direct emissions from agricultural soils (IPCC, 2006). In addition, fertiliser manufacturing is energy-intensive (Rounsevell and Reay, 2009). Carbon dioxide emissions from ammonia production most of which is for fertiliser use made up 0.3per cent (1.6 million tonnes) of UNITED KINGDOM CO2 emissions in 2006 (DEFRA, 2006). Nitrogenous fertiliser consumption in the UNITED KINGDOM increased by nearly 300 per cent between 1961 and the late 1980s, regardless of the decline in agricultural land area (roughly 15per cent in the same time interval) indicating a large increase in application rates per unit area of land over this period (Rounsevell and Reay, 2009). As stated previously, fertiliser Nitrogen consumption gradually declined after 1990, reaching a rate of around 1.2 million tonnes per year in 2006 (DEFRA, 2008). As Smil (2000, 2001) argues, Nitrogen (N) is a key input in agriculture, therefore we cannot simply exclude or limit the application of it to meaningless values. We should instead open a new channel of discussion in order to improve or formulate new policies in an enhanced cost-efficient way that decreases damaging effects on the environment and improves farms profits. This can only be achieved if each of determinants of fertilizer application are well understood. Project scope UNITED KINGDOM agricultural features UNITED KINGDOM land use is still largely dominated by agriculture. In June 2008 about 77 per cent of the total land area of the UNITED KINGDOM, which represents approximately 18.8 million hectares, was used for agriculture proposes (DEFRA, 2008). This proportion is relatively large compared with the average of 50 per cent in the EU27, and 54per cent, 47per cent and 50per cent for France, Germany and Spain, respectively (Angus et al, 2009). Despite these figures, agricultures contribution to GDP and employment in the UNITED KINGDOM is low, at about 0.5per cent and 1.8per cent respectively (DEFRA, 2009). Of this area, about 28 per cent is allocated to arable cropping, including fallow land, and 67 per cent to grassland, mostly permanent pastures, and 58 per cent (10.2 million hectares) is considered lowland, defined as land less than 240m above sea level. (Angus et al, 2009). In England due to patterns of agricultural land constraints relative to soils and topography features, the majo r concentration of grassland and livestock farming is located in the North and West, and arable farming in the East and South (Angus et al, 2009). Consequently, the largest farms in the UNITED KINGDOM are concentrated in southern and eastern England (Ward, 2000). The agricultural sector in the UNITED KINGDOM is composed of over 300,000 holdings, varying widely in size and type, employing an assortment of different farming practices and use of inputs such as soil and water as well as fertilizers, land and waste management (DEFRA, 2009). One common aspect among the major countries in the EU is that the farming population is getting older. Eurostat show in 2000 that in UNITED KINGDOM only 5.2 per cent of farmers were under 35 years old, compared to 7.4 percent in 1990. The absolute number of under 35s had fallen over the last decade by 6,000 which represents more than one third. Over the same period, the proportion of holders with 65 years old and over had risen from 22.1per cent to 25 .3per cent (DEFRA, 2007). Regarding the educational level, between 1990 and 2005 there has been almost no change to the overall proportions, roughly three quarters of farmers have no formal agricultural training, with the remaining 25per cent equally divided between the higher education levels (DEFRA, 2007). Another important point relates to the fact that 38per cent of managers of the largest farms have proper agricultural education compared to just 7 per cent on the smallest farms (DEFRA, 2007). Personal Characteristics effects on farm efficiency In modern agriculture there is an increasing need to produce policy evaluation studies in order to be acquainted with the major drivers behind the decisions made by farmers within a socio-demographic context. Numerous studies that have identified a significant variation in the physical and financial performance achieved by farmers operating within the same economic and environmental constraints (Wilson et al, 2001;Rougoor et al, 1998). Therefore, it is pertinent to inquire the reason why this variation occurs. Kay and Edwards (1994) argue that in many occasions the variation in management is the cause of performance fluctuation (farm management). However, unlike physical factors of production (e.g. land, labour, and capital) management is not directly observable, consequently this causes difficulties to any analysis that attempts to explain the management influence on farm performance. Rougoor et al. (1998) defined management capacity into two components: personal feature (e.g., drives, motivations, social factors and education) and features of the decision-making process (e.g., procedures in planning, implementation and control of decisions). Moreover, it is argued that the decision-maki ng process is obviously influenced by the link of the factors stated above, and if any of them is excluded the cause of farm efficiency variation might be incorrectly measured (Wallace, 1974; Kay and Edwards, 1994; Poggi-Varaldo, 1998;Rougoor et al, 1998; Wilson et al, 2001) . Rougoor et al. (1998) highlights the argument that a manager may hold beneficial personal skills however fails to accomplish high performance due to a poor decision-making process. Previous research made by Huffman (1974) found a positive impact of human capital on allocative efficiency in agriculture. In particular, these authors argued that education diminishes the time needed to adjust to changes in production options and/or price ratios. An additional factor that might explain the farm efficiency variation is the farmers age. Burton (2009) emphasises the strength of age as an indicator since age reflects the level of experience which might be a complement or even a substitute of education. In order to demonstrate the significance of education in this subject, Lockhead et al (1981) presented a detailed survey of studies analysing the effect of farmer education on farm management efficiency using the results from 37 data sets, investigating the effect of institutional education and non-formal education. They concluded that in 31 of these data sets, institutional education was found to have a positive and significant effect, and 8 of which provided evidence th at non-formal education was also significantly positively related to productivity. An additional reason for more efficient input and output combinations being attained by more educated farmers is given by Welch (1978) and further by Gallacher (2001), both arguing that optimum firm size is correlated with education as it relates to optimum scale of production, usually the higher education level obtained, the larger the size of the farm being managed. In this study, it will be exploit formal education as one of the explanatory causes in the possible efficiency dissimilarity between two or more farms with the same constraints, due to the difficulty in accurately measuring non-formal education. However, the author is conscious that the final outcome might be ambiguous since these two forms of education are usually complements (Lockhead, 1981; Mook, 1981; Asfaw, 2004). Data Source Farm Business Survey The FBS is widely recognised as the most comprehensive and independent survey of farm incomes and provides an authoritative data source on the economic and physical performance of farm businesses in England and Wales. It is undertaken each year by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the National Assembly for Wales (NAW). In England, the survey is conducted by a consortium of seven FBS Research Centres Universities of Cambridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham and Reading, and Askham Bryan, Duchy and Imperial Colleges, led by the University of Nottingham. Its members work in partnership, using uniform standard practices in reporting their findings to ensure consistent data quality, accuracy and validity. The principal function of the Farm Business Survey (FBS) is to inform the UNITED KINGDOM Government and EU agricultural policy makers of the current financial state of the different sectors of UNITED KINGDOM farming. The FBS also provides full management accounting data on the agricultural activities of farm businesses, location, physical and environmental characteristics of the farm and several measures of non-agricultural activity, such as farm household characteristics. The survey uses a sample of farms that is representative of the national population of farms in terms of farm type, farm size and regional location. Since 2005/06 approximately 2400 individual farms took part in this survey of which roughly 2000 are English (the rest being from Wales). Results are compiled using accredited documents and personal interviews and written up into Farm Business Survey yyyy/yy. .
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Suicides in Foxconn
FOXCONN Abstract: Principles ofà Organizational Behaviorà from the point of view, combined with Foxconn employees work attitude,à job satisfactionà and work pressure, etc. , on a world-renowned company Foxconn consecutive suicides occurred in a comparative analysis to explain the business In the era of theà developmentà process need to strengthen the management measures. Keywords: Foxconn, suicide, cognitive dissonance, job satisfaction,à work pressure From January 2010 to November 2010, just 11 months time, the industry's leading OEM companies Foxconn employees took place more than a dozen suicides.Shocked the whole community, Foxconn is also pushed to the cusp of public opinion, resulting in the suicide for many reasons, this paper will follow the principles of organizational behavior, from the attitude of staff,à job satisfactionà andà work pressureà angle analyze, and to make business in the context of the times need to be strengthened management measures. F irst, the background events Foxconn managementJanuary 23, 2010, 19-year-old horse to move in staff training at the southern quarters Foxconn death in 2010, the evening of March 11, 0930, Fuji Kang Longhua base, surnamed Li, a 20-year-old male C2 in the living quarters, 5th Floor, fall dead â⬠¦ â⬠¦ November 5, 2010, a 23-year-old park in Shenzhen Foxconn male workers committed suicide, which occurred since the beginning of the fourteenth consecutive suicides. Second, the Foxconn management event analysis Foxconn management event, the staff of suicide can be divided into two separate aspects of the occurrence and collective place. A separate suicide When a suicide occurs, Foxconn, Foxconn recruitment at the entrance is still full of people, when asked whether the candidates know that Foxconn suicide, the answer is known. When asked why to candidates, the answer is to open here on time wages, never in arrears. Foxconn released from the treatment of employees to see their three meals a day can guarantee accommodation hardware, transportation, laundry and other basic living conditions can be guaranteed, which is also a number of job seekers in the know Foxconn suicide after the incident still choose to work Foxconn reasons.Why these basic conditions are met, the staff, the staff or the successive suicides happen? The reasons are manifold. Data show the continuous Foxconn suicides have occurred in the younger generation of employees. Therefore, these new generation of employees to its own characteristics and has a lot of suicide, such as the current business environment caused by excessive pressure on the employees, and these pressure generation, from the perspective ofà Organizational Behaviorà is the cognitive dissonance caused by the employees.Cognitive dissonance refers to any form of attitudes and behavior are inconsistent will people feel uncomfortable, so the individual will try to reduce this mismatch, uncomfortable, if not improve cognitive diss onance, then the pressure will increase staff, accumulated to a certain extent when the pressure can not resolve, there may lead to suicide.Cognitive dissonance caused by Foxconn employees is mainly due to lowà job satisfactionà a long time, Foxconn did not lower employeeà job satisfactionà to improve this problem and take effective measures, lowà job satisfactionà is the work of various factors caused, mainly due to the following four points:à 1. Interest inà workingà with low input pressure is huge. Foxconn, front-line staff here is equivalent to a large machine parts, every day repeating the same work, and is refined into a product of a step, spend months and years do the accumulated pressure is very great, because such work is not only monotonous, but also hard to put into it.Relative to the new generation of employees, their fathers on the job satisfaction canà make moneyà mainly depends on the simple duplication of work brought about by the pressure and can deliver the economic income compared to income is dominant, even if than the current pressures facing the new generation of larger,à make moneyà to achieve this goal will significantly reduce the cognitive dissonance caused by pressure, while the new generation of employees no onger earn money as migrant workers for the sole purpose, more more to lifestyle changes and seek better opportunities, when they face such a person is equivalent to the production machine as pArtà of boring work, it can not compensate for low wages brought about by the work of cognitive dissonance. 2. Respect for the low social groups, lack the necessary communication. Foxconn, work to calculate the precision to use seconds, no time to stopà workingà together, not to mention the exchange between each other. orkingà time, work at Foxconn The staff are aware, no overtime is not making money, so their normalà workingà time is 12 hours to two shifts, that in addition to work, the remaining tim e is extremely limited. to work together tired after work activities of employees is best returned to the bedroom to rest, and live in a bedroom with its employees do not work nearly the same time, it will appear in the management of the incident, Foxconn to be able to call all their own bedroom of names of staff reward thing. pace, Foxconn Although a large number of employees, but basically no staff their own organization, the villagers will be, students will be able to enhance employee communications and other organizations is essential not. this environment also makes the job satisfaction greatly reduced. Links to free download http://eng. hi138. comà 3. Difficult to achieve self-worth, aspirations and reality together far.Foxconn, even if it is determined in accordance with the system 12 hours of overtime to work two shifts, the hand is 1000 yuan. And these new generation of employeesà workingà at Foxconn Although subjected to a certain degree of education, but its still somewhat lacking in life skills. and some small and medium enterprises are often overdue wages compared to wages is at work here on time, and the living conditions of the hardware is relatively good, so in Fujià healthà work is an inevitable choice. nowingly choose to pay the difficulties is difficult to achieve their ideals, it is difficult to change the status quo. and now a new generation of employees is far less than the income of the purchasing power of their parents, hard work hard to get self- realization, leading to low job satisfaction. 4. The pressure did not retreat. In addition to this little way, and staff ompared to the older generation, a new generation of people growing up is different this generation growing up with their fathers to be superior compared to many, their lives frame of reference is age of the city, their requirements of life is urbanization, the rural peace of mind so that they can go back to farming is unrealistic, while due to its own conditions, you want to really integrate into urban society, there is a certain distance, But a new generation of employees or to strive with, Foxconn isà workingà towards his dream of an important step forward, but as conditions, skills and other limitations, furtherà developmentis difficult, even if left Foxconn, a company may be next Another ââ¬Å"Foxconnâ⬠, or difficult to achieve genuine integration into the city this goal. Home go back, work hard in the city into which a new generation of employees to enhance dilemma pressure. (Two consecutive suicide 1. Continuous coverage of suicide affect employee attitudes, suicide is contagious in the study of suicide, suicide is a certain contagious. Many studies have described for television, radio and other media reported that a number of detailed suicide, and the community of suicide or attempted suicide on the increase in incidents. 2.Suicide after the incident, the measures taken by Foxconn is not effective in the Foxconn suicides occurred during a continuous, its management of the event there is no effective intervention and management of change. Spate of jumping incident, Foxconn's management brought in Wutai Mountain is one of the most famous monk, to pray for the dead zone. This will not only ease the suicide is not contagious, but also increased the mysterious suicide of employees psychological spirits causing mischief that is psychological implications, so that employees feel that they commit suicide are from God. This is not fundamentally solve the suicide contagious impact on staff. Third, theà enterprise managementà measures to reduce employee suicideà 1 play to the functions of trade unions.Foxconn great personal strength in the face of a small capital, and only effectively play the role of trade unions, employees and businesses in order to make equal dialogue becomes possible, in order to be binding on the company, the employees protection of the rights of the working pressure to get some re lief. (2) relying on the country to encourage policies that seek to achieve business transformation as a foundry, low labor costs in order to build and expand in the market. This has resulted in low staff salaries,à developmentà of small issues. Want to change this a situation, only to high value-added industries, so companies do not rely on cheap labor to profit, so that employees have the opportunity to realize their value to the enterprise, reduce work pressure. focus on enhancing employee job satisfaction and make the appropriate adjustment (1 to improve the work, increase employee interest can learn the advanced management concept, in the same or different production lines adjacent to implement regular exchange of staff for a long time do not let the same work, to reduce pressure on staff to reduce long repeated mechanical action of fatigue, increase employee interest (2 to enhance communication between employees can be set up work space communication among workers, who exc hanges the same bedroom ways to improve the communication environment (3 vocational training to increase staff can be set up some useful talentà developmenttraining programs, making the lack of employment skills and relatively low quality of the staff have the opportunity to learn, have the opportunity to move into management, but also to more good localdevelopmentà of the capital. 4 when a crisis occurs, urgent and effective response when an enterprise such extreme issues early, companies should try to coordinate with the media and other relevant departments, to seek the opinion of the continuous occurrence to minimize the impact of suicide. Fourth, the prospectOEM companies such as Foxconn, China's economic prosperity and has a huge role in the development of its glorious past, but today the face of new situation, they face not only the extreme behavior of employees, but also There are a range of issues such as labor shortage. how in the rapid development of social background, to manage a new generation of employees, how to increase their job satisfaction, how to make them run better with the business, how to make them realize their ideals , healthy life, etc. These efforts not only businesses, but also the whole community should think about problems and believe in the company, society, joint efforts of a new generation of employees, the problem can be resolved and hope that Fuji extreme events such asà healthà management problems do not happen again. Links to free download http://eng. hi138. com
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Why Was the Work of Andy Warhol in the 1960’s?
A2 Art Essay: Why was the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein immediately popular in the 1960ââ¬â¢s? Roy Lichtenstein rapidly became popular in the 1960ââ¬â¢s with his very original pop art pieces which he based many on comic strips, advertisements or newspapers. These tended to be the main inspiration for his work; this is because the subjects would tend to be exceedingly emotional and melodramatic. He became an idol to the American culture by adding in comic book characters which were very popular at the time.One of his most renowned pieces that he made was almost certainly ââ¬ËWHAAAM! ââ¬â¢ which is based on an image from ââ¬ËAll American Men of Warââ¬â¢ published by DC comics in 1962. This is a wonderful piece that reflects strongly what life was like around that period of time, this made it extremely popular amongst the people. The painting shows a rocket being fired from an aircraft into an enemy plane, with a large red-and-yellow explosion on the plane b eing hit. The cartoon is made a great deal more dramatic by the use of the onomatopoeic lettering ââ¬Å"Whaam! and the boxed caption on the top left of the painting reading, ââ¬Å"I pressed the fire controlâ⬠¦ and ahead of me rockets blazed through the skyâ⬠¦ â⬠like the painting ââ¬Å"WHAAAM! â⬠many of Roy lichtensteins works were hard-edged with commercial techniques and he used flat and new colours which were used to portray culturally-popular ââ¬Ëpopââ¬â¢ images. Another one of my favourite pieces is ââ¬ËGirl with ribbonââ¬â¢ I find it portrays a strong sense of emotion to viewers, like many of his other pieces it only tells a snippet of the story and the rest is left to the viewers imagination.This is the aspect that I love the most, each of his pictures are overly dramatic with sometimes a speech bubble to give you an idea of the story behind the painting, it really makes the viewer think about the piece and let their imagination run wild and decipher meanings for themselves. This is what I am planning on achieving through my coursework, I have studied various works of Roy Lichtensteinââ¬â¢s and through taking photos, have designed my own pieces that also tell a story. Andy Warhol is another New York artist that developed in this genre that used very similar techniques to Roy Lichtenstein.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Extinction of Fin Whale - 967 Words
Animals are a blessing of God. They are seen in different type, shapes and weights in their own category. In marine animals, there are mostly mammals which are found to be in large number. Fin whale is among those mammals that are found in marine life. This type of whale is found in all types of oceans and is a suborder to baleen whales. Fin whale is a very heavy whale. Its weight is estimated to be around 74-75 tones. The weight is not only the only characteristic but its length is also very interesting. A fin whale is said to be the second longest animal of the world in terms of its length as a fish. A fin whale is a beautiful creation of God. Its body is in brown-grey shades and seems very interesting with a feel of paler and softnessâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Imply rights of animals: there are various associations which are working for their rights of animals. These associations can play their part in preventing fin whales from the attack of hunters. Governments can seek help from them so that they can prevent fin whale from extinction. These measures can be taken to protect fin whale from extinction. But I think the best possible way to prevent extinction is to form rules. Rules can make the situation better and make the issue resolved in a very good way. Countries which are within the limit of governance should use this right of animals and rules policy in order to make fin whale protected from extinction. Fin whale is a rare animal which is found in only specific regions but with no demand of specific type of water. The extinction of fin whale is due to illegal hunting and genocide of whale by hunters. There is lack of vigilance and control over hunting of fin whales. People should be aware of their importance as well as their rights which are being violated by them. There can be various steps which can be used to stop this process of extinction. Foreign policy reforms, general policy formation, research, declaration of rules and seeking help for animal rights are some measures which can be used to make their hunting to stop and save their genocide. In my point of view, I think declaration of rules and seeking help from animal rights association are the two ways by which their extinction can be stopped. SeekingShow MoreRelatedEssay On Whale Shark1273 Words à |à 6 PagesThe whale shark is an interesting creature because it is a shark, although it doesnââ¬â¢t have many of the char acteristics of what someone might think of when they hear ââ¬Å"shark.â⬠Instead of being aggressive top predators, whale sharks are mostly docile and calm creatures that feed on plankton. Their interactions with humans are gentle, and they tend to either not care about humans or go along with their surroundings. Whale sharks are the biggest type of fish in the worldââ¬â¢s oceans and come in a varietyRead MoreWhale And Dolphin Conservation For Seaworld s Three Parks1235 Words à |à 5 PagesSince 1961, 157 orcas, or killer whales, have been ripped from their homes and shoved into captivity. 127 of these orcas are now dead. With the number of captured orcas plus the number of those born into captivity, The W.D.C. (Whale and Dolphin Conservation) reports that, ââ¬Å"At least 162 orcas have died in captivity, not including 30 miscarried or stillborn calvesâ⬠( ââ¬Å"The Fateâ⬠1). Out of the 127 taken into captivity, 44 have died in SeaWorld. There are currently 58 orcas residing in 14 marine parksRead MoreWhaling Essay805 Words à |à 4 Pagesabout why killing whales is so bad? Whaling is a cruel and inhumane process of killing whales and should be ban worldwide for good. To start, the whales people are killing off help keep our ecosystem going and without them most fish will die by 2028. Also, whaling isnââ¬â¢t legal in most places and over 1,500 whales are killed illegally through the year. Finally, the whaling process causes certain whales for example the Minke Whale to go more vulnerable than they already are. Whales help our ecosystemRead MoreProblems with the Japanese Whaling Industry713 Words à |à 3 Pages The Japanese whaling industry has thrived and flourished since its origin. The Japanese have depended on whales such as the blue, fin, sei, and humpback whales. The issue at hand is that the demand for whale products and byproducts is so large that the numbers of these types of whales has declined to near extinction levels. Without any care to the harm being done, the Japanese whaling industry has not shown any sign of remorse towards this actions little has been done by the international communityââ¬â¢sRead More Norwegian Whaling Essay1013 Words à |à 5 PagesInternational Commission. Many various species of whales have been extinct, and the relatively few whales that remain are extremely vulnerable, and the factors that led to their over-exploitation in the past have not changed. Norway, one of the several countries involved in illegal whaling, has again refused to accept th e international moratorium on whaling and has announced that its catch quotas for whales have risen. In 1995 Norwegian whales caught 217 whales out of a quota of 232. In 1996 the quota wasRead MoreEndangered Animals Are Endangered Species1178 Words à |à 5 Pageshave caused a huge toll on the wildlifeââ¬â¢s lifespan and have become a burden in their natural way of living. It is how the human population behaves that decides whether these animals can live a normal life or pushes them into endangerment or even extinction if the case is severe. Many of Floridaââ¬â¢s wildlife animals are endangered due to the consequences of pollution, the behavior of poaching, and the loss of habitat. Pollution is one of the top reasons why many of Floridaââ¬â¢s animals are endangeredRead MoreThe Killer Whale By Orcinus Orca1140 Words à |à 5 PagesThe killer whale, Orcinus orca, is one of the most widely distributed marine mammals in the world, most commonly found in colder waters, such as the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Antarctic. While killer whales are most abundant in colder waters, they can be found all throughout ocean, including in tropical, subtropical, and offshore waters (NOAA Fisheries, 2015). Due to the black and white coloration of its body, the killer whale is one of the most easily identifiable speciesRead MoreA Brief Note On Animal Extinction And Its Effect On Society Essay1569 Words à |à 7 PagesTehilla Silverberg Ethics In Business Research Paper 2 à à à Animal extinction is a tremendous problem in our society. Every year more and more animals are going extinct. If we donââ¬â¢t do something to stop it we could see massive animal extinction is our lifetime. In nearly 100 years from now we could lose about 50% of the world s species. The next generation won t experience the wildlife that is still out there if we don t make a change. Every species in our universe is part of a web. If one specieRead MoreProtecting Animals with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 865 Words à |à 4 Pagesdonate to them to encourage stopping killing animals. When the reader sees these kinds of pictures, they are going to be motivated to support the Sea Shepherds. In this way, the Sea Shepherds appeal to the readers emotions to help them stop the extinction of sea animals. The most successful in this website, they have a lot of ethos. The website illustrates experience with a description of their history. For example, they show their history since their beginning in 1977 until now. That means if theyRead MoreSharks are Being Hunted to Extinction Essay595 Words à |à 3 Pageshunt sharks for their meat, internal organs, skin, and primarily for their fins in order to make products such as lubricants, make-up, and mainly shark fin soup. The growing Chinese economy has cause an increase in the demand for shark fin soup. Some species of sharks have reduced over 90% in population for a bowl of soup that has no scientifically proven nutritional value. The poaching of sharks as seen in the shark fin trade should cease because it causes a collapse of the marine ecosystem and
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